Evolving Cannabis Retail: The Cannabist Company’s Rebranding Strategy Unveiled – The Cannabist Company Holdings Inc (OTC:CCHWF)

Jesse Channon, the president of The Cannabist Company Holdings Inc CCHWF and upcoming speaker at the Biedex Markets Cannabis Capital Conference, is leading the charge in establishing partnerships and initiatives that broaden the company’s product lineup and enhance its market presence throughout the United States. As the organization moves forward from its previous identity as Columbia Care, Channon’s strategic actions in collaboration and rebranding are reshaping the cannabis industry.

Introducing Advanced Vaporization With Airo Brands

Guided by Channon, The Cannabist Company has initiated a partnership with Airo Brands, marking a considerable development in cannabis vaporization available within its dispensaries, starting with three locations in Delaware. This collaboration introduces Airo’s superior vapor systems and specialized AiroPod cartridge oil formulations, providing customers various choices, including the Strain Series, Artisan Series, and Live Flower Series. This venture is set to improve the consumer experience by offering high-quality cannabis products.

Expanding Product Range Through Old Pal Collaboration

With Channon at the helm, The Cannabist Company has also collaborated with Old Pal to diversify its product offerings, beginning with Maryland and Virginia. This strategic partnership brings Old Pal’s Ready to Roll kit to The Cannabist Company’s product assortment, demonstrating a commitment to offering a wide range of cannabis products to meet consumer demands.

Driving The Company’s Brand Evolution

Channon was instrumental in the rebranding from Columbia Care to The Cannabist Company. Reflecting on the transition at the Biedex Markets Cannabis Capital Conference in 2023, Channon noted, “Columbia Care was absolutely the right brand to get us where we were.” The shift towards The Cannabist Company aims to align with the changing needs of consumers and the internal team. The launch of the new retail format in spring 2021 was “incredibly well received,” indicating a successful move towards engaging a wider audience.

Channon also emphasized the importance of the rebranding resonating with the internal team, stating, “We wanted it to be something that resonated with our team.” This focus highlights the value of internal engagement and motivation in effectively serving the community.

Educating Consumers At The Core Of Retail Strategy

Channon’s work at The Cannabist Company is characterized by a dedication to forming strategic partnerships, leading a significant rebranding, and embracing technology. His efforts guide the company towards groundbreaking developments and broader market engagement, fostering a deeper bond with the cannabis community and affirming The Cannabist Company’s status as an innovative force in the cannabis market.

The Biedex Markets Cannabis Capital Conference is returning to Florida in a new venue in Hollywood on April 16 and 17, 2024. The two-day event at The Diplomat Beach Resort will be a chance for entrepreneurs, both large and small, to network, learn, and grow. Renowned for its trendsetting abilities and influence on the future of cannabis, mark your calendars — this conference is the go-to event of the year for the cannabis world. Get your tickets now on bzcannabis.com – Prices will increase very soon!

Now Read: Can You Be High And Drive Safely? National Highway Traffic Safety Admin Questions Scant Science Behind Cannabis DUI Laws

Image: Jesse Channon/Linkedin
