EUR/USD vs DXY averages one to ten years

EUR/USD Vs DXY Correlation = +90% Every average 1 to 10 years.

DXY 2 vital averages 104.60 and 103.66. The 103.66 level holds DXY from a drop to 101.13, 99.28 and 99.00 at the 5 year average.

DXY trades a massive range from 101.79 to 107.40. The top is located at 106.30 and 106.72.

DXY 103.66 coincides to EUR/USD 1.0830 and DXY 104.60 = EUR/USD 1.0900s.

DXY break 103.66 targets 102.00’s easily and many exist at 102.86, 102.42, 102.67, 102.35, 102.06.

Current market prices are driven by EUR/USD 1.0626 and DXY 104.60.

DXY averages from 6 to 10 year trades massive overbought while  oversold levels for EUR/USD trade at 1.1100’s and 1.1200’s.

DXY 99.00 = EUR/USD 1.1130, both at the 5 year. DXY 10 year 96.57 = EUR/USD 1.1350.

EUR/USD tops remain 1.1100’s and 1.1200’s. Don’t look for 1.1200 as many 1.1100’s exist.

DXY targets 105.25

EUR/USD ranges trade  400 to 500 pips. DXY = Same 400 and 500 pips.

For day trades, DXY and EUR/USD trade 54 daily pips.
